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Skyrim crashed to desktop when scrolling to specific item


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When i try to scroll to the item "Dwarven Bolts" the game crashes to desktop. I have went thru my complete inventory to only find this item to cause this, the game appears to be loading and operation normally other then this.


Any ideas on a work around? Or a way to delete the item from my inventory without having to scroll to it.


Any help/tips would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

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Probably a faulty mesh or texture from a mod that has either added that item or modified the menu mesh/texture of that item, so it's CTDing your game every time you scroll to it in the menu.

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No, if it's mod added, you need to find out which mod it is and uninstall it (and the resources, which would contain the faulty mesh or texture). Verifying game files won't fix it. Right now you need to figure out if those dwarven bolts causing the CTDs are default game items introduced by the Dawnguard DLC (which would likely point to a mod that retextures the menu model for those bolts), or some mod that added new bolts named 'dwarven bolts.'

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