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Anyone seen this (pic in post) help fix this please.


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For me, this is embarrasing to say, but I dont know how I could extend ram.

Also it's funny because this laptop gets hot but I keep it up on one knee so the part with the fan hangs off of my bed.

I have an AMD c-50 with 1.00 g/hz and that thing heats up like mad i dont even use it anymore its too slow.


And sorry for being so slow but your last paragraph has lost me xD

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the shots shown here indicate the processor has reached and beyond it's limits, the floater has no bounds, " a place to calculate from" so it has no means of knowing where things should be displayed, it get's thrown into the display just anywhere. it's almost pop time.


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Should I uninstall, I cant handle a pop. I'm not old but my heart literally couldnt take that shock. Computers are too much of a big thing in my life and I'm broke. So if I should uninstall then I'll do it in a second

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Should I uninstall, I cant handle a pop. I'm not old but my heart literally couldnt take that shock. Computers are too much of a big thing in my life and I'm broke. So if I should uninstall then I'll do it in a second

no need to panic, just remove a lot of the stuff added on, if you don't have a lot of mods running, then lower the screen setting for the game, go as low as you can stand it. 800x600 is ugly but it will run way cooler there. If this is your only unit, I would do whats right.


but. gaming is addictive so I am here to try and help you as best I can with what you got. I for one am not like the mad gamers here. I am a technician. so I know where your at. it's why I responded. Not here to make friends, just make sure people get the right things they need.

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So I removed all of my mods (deactivated to begin with) and started the game back up at the low resolution but the same problem came up I dont think this is gonna work at all.

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  • right click the desktop and chose Personalize.
  • click on the left side menu item change desktop icons
  • in there, enable your user name icon and the desktop "My Computer icon and save it
  • now, right click the My computer icon.
  • select the advanced tab or item. "advanced syst6em settings".
  • then select the top button for "performance" + settings button
  • select adjust for best performance.
  • Now select the advance tab on that same page
  • here is where you adjut the hard drive vurtual ram, AKA your swap file size.
  • here you un check the automatic manage file size and spcify your size, you want min to be 7/5 % of physical ram you have nd max set to match the max amount. select aplly and reboot the laptop note book.
  • you will experience a big boost in speed.
  • DO NOT go nuts because of this, all we are doing is giving the equipment breathing room so it does not get so hot.


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once this is done, go online, log in to steam, and allow it to refresh you entire files setup, replace the data that got corrupted by the system.

the files in question are random so the data was deposited back on the hard drive all mixed up in the wrong places due to heat build up.


with a fresh set of files, you can go in an verify the glitch to be gone or not.

if you have too, delete some of the files so steam see's missing data, trick it into fixing your stuff for you.

Edited by Purr4me
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I cant do the performance mode thing because this computer isnt actually mine but she knows I'm a serious gamer so she lets me use it (i.e. I'll get double back-handed in the face) but I'll try the swap file size thing.


P.S I like how you say "Kitty." at the end of the most important things you say. Tis a cool thing



I dont know what the initial size is supposed to be though

Edited by cyth1
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