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Loads of enemy NPCs turn up in Faldar's Tooth


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Heyho folks,


I just encountered a weird situation. I'm working on a Mod for Faldar's Tooth and I moved the boss enemy (Ghunzul) from the main area to the lower area as a guard for the vault in order to keep the attached quest for Mehrunes' Razor intact. Everything seemed alright when I checked the quest with multiple savegames and different mods activated.


But today I tried a perfectly clean save by using the coc console trick from the main menue - and the vault was just crawling with enemies. And all kinds of them! Three or four bandit leaders, two briar hearts, four or five bandits, five seamen, the npcs Haldyn and Umana - Umana said "Hey there, handsome" and then they went all beserk against each other and against me.


And inbetween somewhere was Ghunzul just as he was supposed to be.


I checked and rechecked the whole cell - there is only one NPC marker and that is the Ghunzul. There are no markers for gathering points and no hidden patrol markers so I'm a bit lost - do you know why they where there?


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Ive had a similar situation but in Cracked Tusk Keep. If it is an area that has been cleared and then modded, it may be getting the respawn and the spawn for the mod at the same time based on the previous log data. Although I wouldnt know how to go about fixing that if it is the case.

Sorry I couldnt be more helpfull, hope you can get some more definate results.

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