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Superb ENB Shadow/light issue. Pls help.


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Ok so I just installed Superb ENB and its awesome except for one problem. I get this weird shadow/light issue when I look at curtain things. For example this picture below. When I look at the door the screen brightens up and when I look away it turns dark.. and it happens to a lot of things not just the door. It's really annoying.



Looking at the door is light;



Right when I look away it turns dark.


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ENB cannot really do that I think (tho I don't know that ENB's inner workings)... have you tried the same door without ENB enabled (press Shift+F12 in game to disable ENB)

Yes I'ved used The Wilds ENB and Sharpshooters and they don't do that.

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What have you installed next to this ENB? Any of the recommended mods? Is this the v3 Beta or v2? For me your issue looks like -

you have more than 1 mod which influences lighting or;

you have a lighting mod combined with some kind of city enhancer or;

you have a lighting mod combined with some sort of shadow/striping fixed mod or;

2 textures fighting for the same space and depending on how you look at it shows either one or the other.



Edit: just checking out this Beta version, it comes with Relighting Skyrim included.. If you already had a lighting mod it's going to cause issues.

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