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Making World Models for Menus


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I'm working on making some world models for armors for use in menus, specifically the forge menu. For some models I can just transform the model with some rotation and translation in NifSkope and they look fine, but for others I want to make more specific changes (delete sleeves, move boots closer together, etc).


To be clear: I'm not a modeller. My experience with Blender isn't extremely extensive, so I don't want to make entirely new models to use as world models. I've been using this tutorial for loading the nifs into Blender, where I make my few small changes (usually just some snipping and transformation).


However, this seems to be a really slow and cumbersome process. Given the fact that I have about 20 models I need to do this for, I was wondering if there was a better way to make some quick little adjustments to nif files? Given the fact that these are models for menus I really don't need to do anything regarding the skeleton/dismembering stuff, so perhaps there's a simpler way for me to do this?



Thanks in advance,


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