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New werewolf feeding animation/ or system?


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I was wondering if there's a chance if this can be done. I think its kinda odd how you can just feed in the middle of a fight and regen more than half of your HP in 1 go ( With some of the werewolf bossting mods out there ) its kinda cheap and each time you feed you gain the world record for fastest eater in skyrim. I was wondering if someone could take the time to implement a new system for us werewolfs/werebears etc.


I was thinking of a more realistic idea such as when you feed. you eat over a period of 15 seconds. every 1 second you regain 2% of your HP. I understand that you would have to loop the sounds and animation to make it work ( Or you could make you own stuff if you want it to be better ) but i think it would be a great idea if someone was willing to take the time. Weather or not this could be done. it would be nice to also have a "Stop feeding" button applyed to tho once again i know nothing about modding and have no idea the amount of effort this would take.


Would be great for someone to pick this idea up. Full ced for anyone that does. thanks for you time and hope you like the idea/

Edited by rec3235
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