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Bugs i'm having trouble finding fixes for


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Howdy folks, i'm a bit new to pc gaming and had noooooo clue just how ridiculously bugged skyrim was untill i started a new game and the wagon you begin in, started doing barrel rolls down the mountain side. Luckily i found a simple way past it. However, i'm experiencing some more gamebreaking bugs. every time i'm within a square mile of a body of water, the water starts going crazy, i hear sounds in the game as if i'm walking in the water, sometimes i begin to swim in mid air briefly and my weapon is constantly being sheathed when i need it most. I'm having trouble finding a fix for this.


Another bug i'm experiencing has to do with any enemy that isn't a human, humanoid. all the animals in the game spazz out by jumping up and down at extremely high frequencies. they also dodge my arrows by teleporting out of the way and sometimes just taking off and flying away completely.


this really sucks lol please help me


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