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NPC starts fleeing when I add a perk to him


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I'm getting pretty confused by a particular problem that's cropped up recently in my mod. When I realized I couldn't add ability perks to companions, I added a spell effect to my mod companion via a script instead. However, now the companion starts fleeing and won't stop until I console command him to resetai, and he starts fleeing again if I fast travel anywhere.


Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this? I'm stumped.

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You can add perks to companions, just not other NPCs. AddPerk takes a second argument (boolean) that adds the perk to a hidden list that applies the perk to the player and all hired companions. Essentially, the player carries the companions' perks around for them and they are applied as long as they are hired.



player.addperk mymodperk 1


To apply a perk to only companions and not the player, set a perk owner condition to exclude the player. For a single companion, set the owner condition to their reference.

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