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Can you actually destroy the Dark Brotherhood?

Lord Garon

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First - I admit to any category a poster wants to put me in, but I despise the DB questline.


I very reluctantly whacked the old lady in Riften to see where the quest would go. I wound up in the shack and someone wanted me to murder a defenseless prisoner. Because I'm a [ insert category here ], I found the situation despicable and loaded a prior save. That's as far as I've been along that quest and I usually ignore DB threads. But I read something about destroying the DB while surfing and I wonder if you really can take them all out, without murdering any innocent victims.


Are any of them essential? Is it possible to destroy the DB during the quest?


I'm so clueless about the DB that I just now figured out that Cicero the Babbling Idiot is a DB guy.


Thanks from Lord Garon the [ insert category here ].

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^^ Will that let me get into the sanctuaries and, er, have "access" to the rest of them? Does it break any other quests?


I think I'll just go try it and see what happens. Geez, gotta whack the old lady again. I just don't like that aspect of the game. I think Astrid's the one who sends assasins after me. That's enough "justification" for me to wage a little uncivil war myself.

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Grelod the Kind is a child abuser and as evil as any bandit so don't feel sorry for killing her. As for the Dark Brotherhood questline, I always kill Astrid and the rest of the bunch murderous bastards. The only repercussion is that you don't get access to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Dawnstar and the related quests. But, since I don't care to torture people I am happy to skip that part.

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For cryin out loud, I should have whacked Astrid a year ago. But I don't think I knew about the Assassin's note the first time in the shack, else I would have. I like to discover stuff in-game and I didn't even know there was a questline for this. I wonder what else I'm missing.


Got the sanctuary password from Cdr. Mora(?) and am considering (relishing?) what to do next. Don't know if they'll be hostile in the sanctuary or not. If not, I'll have to figure something out; I don't want to be a DB type, even to get rid of them.


Thx for the help.

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Just kill Astrid, that's what I did before I even knew about the anti-DBH quest. It will start a legit quest where you can talk to a guy and he'll ask you to destroy all of them.

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I killed Astrid without hesitation, I was offended by that, kidnaping me and forcing me to kill innocents. I just killed her and found my self happy and atisfied by the outcome and being able to kill all of thoe soulless people (except Cicero adn Babette, it's a shame they escaped).


Later, my brother was playing and chose to join, so I watched closely. Then I found you could actually speak to them to decide. The Nord made me feel really bad, he was so scared. The woman was so rude, yet I don't believe she deserved killing. Then the Khajiit ... he was either a troll or a psycho, and didn't sweat about being killed. I think he deseved to die, since he was a serious killer.

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Well, I thought it only appropriate to use the Dagger of Woe. I thought about sneak attacks and poisoned blades, use their own methods on these muderous cretins, but decided to let them see what it was like to face an inscrutable foe. My guy was a little too "serious" with the first one (they weren't as strong as he thought they'd be) and he didn't find what he was looking for. Neither did he find it with the second. But then, in the midst of an ozone filled electric boosted flury of tempered steel Woe, he got it.


"Mercy!", she gasped. He eyed the pathetic woman for a long moment, "Had she ever shown mercy?" Then, he simply sheathed his dagger and walked calmly out of the sanctuary.

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Not a chance in Oblivion! They're all history. I even sprayed Raid in the eyes of their spider.


Found some cool armor and clothes, though. But it was too short and too easy. (Well, they did experience the wrath of my latest tweaked up mage.)


Oddly satisfying.


Thanks for answering my noob questions.


EDIT: Cool, I leveled up to Enthusiast. Where do I go to choose perks?

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