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Favorites Menu modification help - how did skyUI do it?


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New to modding, but somewhat familiar with Bethesda's Creation Kit/GECK setup.


Seeing the new additions to SkyUI made me think of other cool things that the favorites menu can accomplish. I had thought that the favorites menu wasn't very powerful until I saw that skyUI can store and equip full sets of gear. If it can do that, then it should be able to run other complex tasks.


I'd like to make a mod that keeps track of your followers and allows you to issue commands to them via the favorites menu - like a ranged, multi-person Companion Wheel from FONV. Unfortunately, I don't have the slightest idea how to modify the favorites menu.


I figured a good way to start would be to analyze SkyUI's process from their scripts, but it looks like the scripts aren't available in the SkyUI esp. Is this normal in Skyrim? In previous games, all scripts were saved to the esps - is Skyrim different?


My goal for now is to create a button in the Favorites menu that issues a command to a particular NPC. Perhaps swapping out Lydia's behavior package for one that makes her jump nonstop.


How did SkyUI do it? Does anyone know what sort of scripts can change the favorites menu so drastically?

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New to modding, but somewhat familiar with Bethesda's Creation Kit/GECK setup.


Seeing the new additions to SkyUI made me think of other cool things that the favorites menu can accomplish. I had thought that the favorites menu wasn't very powerful until I saw that skyUI can store and equip full sets of gear. If it can do that, then it should be able to run other complex tasks.


I'd like to make a mod that keeps track of your followers and allows you to issue commands to them via the favorites menu - like a ranged, multi-person Companion Wheel from FONV. Unfortunately, I don't have the slightest idea how to modify the favorites menu.


I figured a good way to start would be to analyze SkyUI's process from their scripts, but it looks like the scripts aren't available in the SkyUI esp. Is this normal in Skyrim? In previous games, all scripts were saved to the esps - is Skyrim different?


My goal for now is to create a button in the Favorites menu that issues a command to a particular NPC. Perhaps swapping out Lydia's behavior package for one that makes her jump nonstop.


How did SkyUI do it? Does anyone know what sort of scripts can change the favorites menu so drastically?


Skyrim Scripts are separate in a .pex (compiled) or .psc (Source) file within Data\Script or Data\Script\Source (They can also be in .bsa's which means you will have to decompile the bsa to get to it.)


SkyUI has all their source available on their GitHub. It not just scripting that is changed with SkyUI but also the .swfs that make up the menus interface.

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