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Put this ingame with working schematic system


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So I had an idea for a mod but I can't get it to work, I'm struggling with the schematic system..



So, you start off with a vault suit, some raider and combat armor and go the workbench to create the LWV MK I,


Next, with the MK I, you find some leather armor and you create the MK II


With the MK II and the armored vault suit, you create the MK III


So, in order to do that, you need the proper schematics and script, something that I can't get to work..



SO I was hoping if someone could help me with this..


I've included a file that contains the meshes and the .esp file I created, hope it could be of help!

Edited by Proximitus
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To make it so it can be crafted on any workbench you need to use a mod like CRAFT .
Since the workbench works on a script editing it means that it will conflict with other mods while a mod like CRAFT helps make it compatable

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I DL your files and...


1) Why did you attach the Death Claw Gauntlet Schematic script to your Armor Schematic items? All that will do is improve the player's ability to make Death Claw Gauntlets if the player picks up your armor schematics.


2) You need to create your own schematic scripts for each armor item - similar, but not the same as the other schematic scripts.


3) Most importantly, You must modify the SchematicsWorkbenchScript and add sections for your armor - which , as has been pointed out, will conflict with other mods that use that script. Though they have no more right to modify it than you do.


One way around that conflict would be to make your own 'Armor Only' workbench with its own unique script and then scatter them about the wasteland or in major cities like magaton, rivet city, Big Town, the republic of dave, Lamplight, The history museum, etc...


Sorry, but I know nothing about the workings of the Craft mod.

Edited by pkleiss
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