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Problem with riding dragons in Dragonborn


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I.ve got a problem with riding dragons... when I press the buttom to ride, my character will get on the head of the dragon and the dragon flys away but I'm still on the ground (higher than ground)

and acting like riding... anyway...I figured out the problem... It's a mod that fix camera view and monsters attack... It's stopping me... and if I delete data/meshes/.../dagon (downloaded mod)

the problem will solve. but I really need that mod... can u help me?
Is there another way to fix it?

Sorry for my bad English. :biggrin:

Edited by manzari
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If a mod you downloaded is causing the problem, the only way to "get it to work" would be to fix it yourself in the CK, or report it to the mod author as a bug, and see if they're willing to fix it and release a patch or update.

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