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Viking Mod


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Hi there,

Let me first say I have little to no knowledge of modding, and though I make use of plenty of mods, I have always been mystified of how to make them myself. With this said, please don't flame me if I say something stupid, I know it's likely someone posts something like this all the time and it's probably quite annoying, but I must try.

I am determined to learn how to mod, and with a specific theme in mind it'd suit Skyrim best. I'd like to make a Viking mod that makes use of combat without magic. I know there are already mods out there that can completely change and enhance the environment, which is handy, but can anyone tell me is there a map editor for Skyrim? Is creating a MUCH smaller size map even feasible? Or is it easier to just make use of the already created world? The only reason I ask is because I'd like to make a more open map, not in terms of size, but of clutter - forest/towns. It'd be great if I could create open plains with small villages similar to those in Ireland - think season one first episode Game of Thrones when they're beheading that guy.


I have a writing degree and am much more comfortable within the confines of screenwriting and graphic novels. Modding is something I've always been interested in but have never had the confidence to give it a go, it does some quite daunting. So, yes, I am aware of the difficulty, and I'm not an unintelligent person, so I just hope the learning curve isn't too steep, but what I'd like to know is, would this be feasible for someone who knew what they were doing, let alone for someone who didn't? The map doesn't have to be large at all. In fact all I'd like to do first is create an experience where you've just landed on shore, and are faced with beautiful open plans and marshes.

Everyone needs to learn how to do something before they do it, and I am determined, so if anyone could help me with a bit of advice of where to start, if Skyrim has a map editor/the capabilities to change the landscape so drastically, and if this would even be possible, I would be immensely appreciative. I hope some kind people can help me and this doesn't just get overlooked.


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