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Cant do quest because they shoot at me...


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I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but im playing early game I just helped the powder gangers take Goodsprings then did two little things for Eddie before he asked me to go to Primm


So now I'm in Primm and an NCR trooper starts shooting at me for some unknown reason (first NCR guy I've even met yet) so I put him down and donned his clothes. Then the NCR people of Primm East

were happy to talk to me - however, with OR without (I've tried both) wearing the NCR gear as soon as I walk into V&V Casino Johnson Nash and the others just start gunning me down!


I have the actual guide but it can't help me here. This is my first ever playthrough as a villain and it's only just started and I don't wanna kill off every NPC with a first name.


The Quest is "I FOUGHT THE LAW" and was given to me by powder ganger Eddie at the NCF.


Any ideas guys?


Again, I've tried normal clothing but it didn't work. My PipBoy doesn't yet have a log for Primm in the Faction rep screen, nor yet does mark my rep next to Primm (although other locations do show the rep on map).


So I guess i'm just stuck and confused because why would Powder Gangers go ask me to talk to the Nash in Primm if he shoots anyone 'Accepted' by Powder Gangers or 'Vilified' by Goodsprings on sight alone?


What am I missing?


Thanks :)

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I just helped the powder gangers take Goodsprings


As the NCR and Primm both hate powder gangers - you have associated yourself with their enemy. Why should you expect them to welcome you with anything besides bullets?

Every faction has a disposition toward every other faction. When you assist any faction, your own disposition is increased with the one you help, and decreased with the ones that don't get along with them. If you have not done anything to either help or hinder the members of a faction, OR their friends and enemies, then their disposition toward you will be neutral. They won't shoot on sight, but they won't help you either.

By helping the Powder gangers you have made a lot of other people your enemy.


The game is biased toward good, just as society normally is.

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Lol ye I just got sick of playing good and I've never teamed with the Legion before so want to try it out.


What I don't get though is why is the mission offered? There are 3 consecutive things you are supposed to do for Eddie at the NCF, and each one gives you more and more powder gangers fame so when you do th third one it is simply not possible to not be 'Accepted'.


The third part is to go to Primm and speak to both the locals and the NCR people. But they both hate powder gangers so I don't get why there would be a powder ganger mission to Talk to them.


Lastly, do you think maybe I should consider restarting? Have you played a villain before or at least a Legion supporter? If so, which factions will help me ally with Legion and is one of them powder gangers?

I know the Khans are Legion-sided, but most of the townships hate the Legion. I only sided with the PGs because I thought it would be the right move toward the Legion, because it's different than the same early game path i'm used to (and a bit tired of). Act II is what it's all about for me! :)


Lemme know what you think, thanks :smile:

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