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PLEASE HELP! - Getting stange buggs with RealVision ENB..


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I have a simple and quick question, how to turn off the DOF of the RealVision ENB(Option A FULL - RealVision ENB V1_4e - RLO 4_0_7 - CoT V3_1)? Call me stupid, but i can't finde it at all! I'm getting very strange buggs and glitches, and i'm pretty sure just because of the DOF effect, especially in Whiterun, Dragonsreach. Please, can somone help a stupid newbie? :c








Hope you can help me! :c


Edit, it wasn't the DOF, ive turned it off, the buggs are still there, anyone know what could be wrong? :c

Edited by Eil17
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That's not DOF, that Ambient Occlusion...


Using NVidia with drivers 320.xx ? Unless you have a GTX7xx series card, you should downgrade your drivers to 314.22. If you still have weirdness after that (sun shining through objects and so on) make sure you have bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 in your SkyrimPrefs.ini located in My Documents\My Games\Skyrim

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