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Ctds and other issues


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Hi all, I've been truly enjoying this modding community and have become addicted to installing mods and plugins to my Morrowind game. I was using TEStool for some things and then caught on through others' conversations that Wrye Mash was the way to go. So, I finally swallowed my fears and got it and used it and everything is spot on according to it (now that I've fixed the load order, saves, gotten rid of debris - of course). However, I'm unsure how to create my own esm with this program - that wasn't covered in the awesome quick tut they provided. Not sure if that is part of my problem.


I know I'm not making much sense, please bear with me for a moment.


I used to fall through landscape stuff and such but learned from reading mod comments by creators that this was the result of a corrupt save file - and they were right, which I fixed those issues with Wrye Mash.


So, I fixed everything ok - check.

Then, I ran mgeui and created distant lands to make everything mesh (not sure this is necessary but it made me feel bettter) - check

Then, I opened MGSO Options, chose my prefs, and MGE 1.78 and applied, got the done bro - check.

Run Morrowind - and CRASH within 10 minutes every time.


It used to be I could go at least an hour before I crashed, and sometimes it would be a half hour, but this is getting ridiculous. What have I done wrong, I'm wondering. I'm hoping that explaining my method before this final run (I don't run distant land every time,for instance, but I do run MGSO Options and keep the script running while I play) will enlighten someone who knows more than me. I mean, I'm a total noob in this area of things.

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Ok ok, I figured some things out and now it almost runs an hour again before crashing (yay!!). It turns out I didn't actually fix everything in Wrye Mash. I did a repair all on the save files and paid better attention to what was said and it turns out this Poorly Placed Object.esp was causing problems. I got rid of it, and then repaired all and saw what repair all is really supposed to do, which is exciting. I was able to start with almost zero error messages (on the save load) and it ran beautifully. I am not gonna look this gift horse in the mouth - it can crash every hour all it wants as long as I get to have my fun. Whee!


However, if anyone knows how to get it to run stable (no crashes - lol lol lol) with mods ON VISTA then by all means please chirp in - although it looks like no one is gonna read it...


Sys specs -

Asus F50sf laptop

Nvidia Geforce GT 220M Cuda 1 Gig

Intel Core 2 Duo processor T6500 2.1 GHz

4 Gigs memory

3 hard drives with over 30 gigs free space on each (I have the game on 2nd drive, which has more like 50 gigs free)

Windows Vista 32-bit Home Premium SP 2


I use compatibility mode (XP SP 3) and administrator mode.


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OK, further update - I can now run Morrowind with all of my mods (and there are over 120 of them) for a little over 3 hours before the game crashes! :thumbsup: I am so happy with Wrye Mash - it truly is a miracle worker. I figured out (after reading more in depth with the tut) that I needed to use Merged Lists and after that I synced the load order of each save, and then loaded the masters, cleaned debris from each save, did repair alls, and updated the maps just to be safe. Best run ever! I love Wrye Mash!! Also, I did some tweaks that were mentioned on the tweak site that was on the sticky (I missed it the first time I posted - sorry all). Unfortunately for you all, I'm used to talking to myself on forums. He He. :teehee: But this is the last update. Thanks for ....hmm, well thanks :turned:

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