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Random meshes spawned at cell 0,0


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Like the title says, I sometimes find random meshes spawned at my worldspace. It seems that they are all spawned at the same place (0,0 position). The CK spawns only meshes I was previously working with, so it looks like it's a prevent from deletion or something, and instead it spawns them at 0,0. So the queston is why the CK consider these meshes as problematic, and what causes this...?


Does anybody have this problem, or possibly know how to prevent this problem?

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Hello Andyno,


I remember reading around here that is what happens when you place object refs outside of usable coordinates, but it's not something I've seen myself because I wouldn't build anything that large. Are you building a worldspace bigger than the ones in vanilla game?

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Hi, and thanks for reply!


I think it's impossible to make a worldspace bigger than the original game, because then physics starts to... well, not working properly. I was discussing this in this thread, which also answers your question about a map size. ;)




So according to your statement, this is somehow common problem, or at least someone else had it. Please can you navigate me to that thread, so I can possibly further study the problem... I just tested my worldspace, and everything seems fine, so I shouldn't have this "spawn" issues... I remember that I started to notice this when I was working on Bar/Wild Territory section (that was cca 1 year ago), and if you look at the map, you can see it's located around cell 40, which is, I believe, the safe coordinates...

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Well, the post I've read was from 4-5 years ago, and I don't remember the name of the thread. What I have read was that the coordinates you can use for object refs have a clipping point, and when you go over that, weird things happen, like those refs getting thrown back to 0, 0. Maybe if you do searches, something would come up, but I don't think there was any elaborate research, or concrete info to chew on in the post I saw.


I thought I'd post in case it was relevant, but honestly, I'm not sure.

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Alright, I just found this... abomination... at the cell -2, -2, so it's definitely not only 0, 0. According to this, these "thrownbacks" could be possibly scattered across my whole worldspace! :wallbash:



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My CK has developed the habit of occasionally pasting stuff that was copied in very weird places.

Also, when I select multiple lights with lightboxes, copy and then paste them, the lights will be placed anywhere at random.

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This should be one of the reasons, yes, but I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "very weird places".

I noticed that when I duplicate very large amount (let' say 400) of refs, and drag them across several cells, all refs that pass the cell that hasn't been loaded, disappear. Not sure it this is related, but I thought it should be mentioned.

Also worth mentioning the error message "...refference attached to wrong cell for its location..." that gives me also a headache because I have absolutely no idea what it means, and thus I cannot identify what the real problem is. When I double click on the message, several windows will pop up, and one of them is a ref window regarding a MetalCableSpline01 (it's always the some spline). Weird thing is that this spline is located in the neighboring cell, not the cell that CK describes as problematic.

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That's exactly what the error means, this object is assigned to a cell that, by it's coordinates, it doesn't belongs to.

That happens when you drop an object in to a cell and then move it to another cell.

How to fix this? in the CK, the only way to fix it is by duplicating the reference and removing the old one, the duplicated reference will be attached to the proper cell.

There's an script in FO4Edit meant to fix the cell to which the object is attached based on its coordinates. The script is named "Put worldspace references in the right cells".

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