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Crash on save and fast travel


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Never use Quick or Auto save function (best to turn it off completely)

Instead, use SSE Engine Fixes to turn quicksaves into regular saves.


You could try to get your current game back with the player.kill command. Load your last working save, kill your character with the console command, go back to main menu and re-load. Try if you can save again.

If this is a long lasting game with a heavy mod load, your uncompressed savegame size might have reached the vanilla limit. Again, use SSE Engine Fixes to double this limit and see if you can save again,

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I used the old trick of Player.kill to get it running for a while, then I got stuck in the College of Winterhold. I had to run the game in vanilla mode just to get out the door. Once outside I could switch back to SKSE.

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