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ENB candle/fire pulsation settings


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Quick question...

What setting in the ENB .ini or .fx files controls the intensity/frequency of the the pulsation/flickering of candles and fires (assuming it exists)? I am pretty sure I have heard Gopher mention this setting when comparing two ENB's in one of his recent videos but I have not been able to find it after quite a while of searching. I thought it might have to do with the "Lightsprite" stuff but none of my variables alter this particular setting.

[may not be the best forum for this topic]

Edited by pastulio32
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Intensity from light of fire can be adjusted with;






Fire colors and intensity of the flames themselves;





Fire light sprite colors and intensity (the halo around the fire);






Flickering? That is done by mods, or you can modify something in tes5edit to change it... load last mod that influences candle light in tes5edit and expand "Light" you should find Candle stuff there... scroll down on the right side until you see "Flicker Effect" ... there you have the parameters. Make sure you keep a backup if you edit anything.

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