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Searching for good mods.


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I am Ser Arys, have been playing Skyrim since release and have all the DLC released so far but i have grown rather weary of the missions somewhat after beating the game a few times. I have seen videos about the various mods available for Skyrim and am currently using the Advanced texture and lighting packs (though i forget the exact names) on recommenation from a friend. What i am ideally looking for is a some mods that have missions in, preferably good missions of a decent length and difficulty but also well designed. The vanilla missions along with the DLC were brilliant when played through the first couple of times and i am looking for some mission mods that can give me that "wow this game is awesome" feeling again.


Would anyone care to offer up some possible mods that i might like? I would be very appreciative of your suggestions.


Thank you


Ser Arys Oakheart




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first of all, welcome to the Nexus :biggrin:


now, what you are asking for is the usual type of question, yet i am going to answer this with a better tool than just a list of mods

you see, many new members here just want a list of mods, but end up not knowing how to use the site at all

so go to the Skyrim Nexus, and follow these simple instructions to find your heart's desire:


On the upper part of the screen, point at the FILES tab and choose the first option, Categories

now you'll have a list of all the file categories on the Skyrim Nexus

what you want is almost always under the Quests and adventures category, so click on that one


Now you'll have a list of lots of mods, and options to choose how to order them

to find some good loved mods, you should sort the mods by Most endorsed, at it will usually tell you how popular the mods are (though there are always hidden pearls, really awesome but not yet popular enough)

now that the list is organized and easy to look at, just look at each mod that draws your eye, read the description and some comments if you like, see about conflicts and requirements, and if all seems well for you, download the mod


I would like to also recommend you to download the Nexus Mod Manager and use this tool to download and install mods

this will really help you set up your game nice and easy


The other feature i would like to recommend to you is the Nexus's search engine

if you are looking for something specific, you can search for such mods with plenty of options to refine the search and help you reach the results you want


now that you know all this, i would recommend that you look around, and see what you can find

i would recommend you mods myself, but i haven't really finished many quest mods, though i do know of a few awesome ones


anyhow, best of luck, and do report your good findings when you have some

cheers and good luck again


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