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How can i equip NPCs with mod armor?


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I have the following problem: I created some NPCs via Construction Kit. Now i want to give some of them modded armors i downloaded. But this doesn't work. The NPCs have the armors in their inventory ingame, but they don't WEAR them - instead they are running around naked.

So, how can i bring the NPCs to wear mod armor?

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Most mod NPC's have a dialogue menu to interact with NPC's, to tell them to wait, or to equip armor. If you don't, there are mods that add dialogue functionality to all NPC's, to tell them to do that, I would assume it would work with mod NPC's as well, but I'm unsure.

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You need to create an outfit with the armor in it and set it so it is their outfit.


You can look up outfits for any npc to find what category it is in, create new and add your armor, then give it to the npc, they should put it on.


Armor worn by npcs is always the outfit, npcs don't put on armor you put in their inventory, they just carry it as loot.

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