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Lunari Face textures


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I'm trying to use a PC animation path to only allow changes for my character (tattoo, combat idles...) and I understand I have to use a custom race. I tried the top rated, Temptress and Lunari. The temptress have something really odd with their makeup textures that I can't seem to figure out and I can't seem to fix it. The Lunari however, have that airbrushed "perfection" skin tone which seems to me a better place to start from. I wanted to use a more realistic skin tone map but when I tried to load from NNM, it just wiped out her skin completely and made it that "error blue" look. So I tried dumping the files into the appropriate folder and that had the same result. These same steps work fine with the normal races and I haven't had any trouble using mods for UNP such as battle hardened body (which to be fair that amazing author made a folder specifically FOR those races), and sporty sweat. Those work just fine but I can't seem to edit the face textures.


Is it not possible with a custom race or is there an extra step I'm missing?


Edit: This may also be related to another issue I posted on but no one answered. ALL the war paint options for both Temptress and Lunari are extremely pixelated (sp?)

Edited by smichael84
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