zndo Posted June 21, 2013 Share Posted June 21, 2013 Hi Guys, I've been playing Skyrim using the Steam Mod manager, for some basic mods like Random Alternate Start and SkyUI. I did have to install SKSE stuff from Nexus to get SkyUI working, but other than that I don't have experience with Nexus mods yet. I am very very interested in starting a new playthrough using Dragon Combat Overhaul and the Civil War Overhaul, which I would need the Nexus Mod Manager for.However, I'm scared to just download the nexus mod manager and giving it a go - because I don't want to corrupt or lose my current game by screwing up my skyrim install. I'm doing a Let's Play right now with my current saves and intend to play that character for a long time. So should I just wait until I 100% finish everything I want to do with my current character before messing with Nexus and getting Dragon Overhaul and Civil War Overhaul? Or would the compatibility be just fine? Maybe there's a guide I missed about changing from using Steam Community mod manager over to nexus without corrupting anything?Any help or advice you could give would be much appreciated.Zendo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ripple Posted June 21, 2013 Share Posted June 21, 2013 (edited) Here's the thing... You should actually -not- use Steam Workshop subscriptions to manage your mod un/installation. Of all the methods for handling mod un/installation, SW subscriptions is the -worst- possible method. SW will automatically updated or delete mods from your game installation if those mods have been updated or removed from SW. -That- is liable to damage your existing save games. If possible, you should do a full reinstall and make a complete switch to a real mod manager, either the NMM, the Mod Organizer, or Wrye Bash/BAINS. Edited June 21, 2013 by ripple Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zndo Posted June 21, 2013 Author Share Posted June 21, 2013 Okay - I can do that no problem. Only thing is I don't want to lose my save games - so if I did it safely in this order:1. Back up my save games2. Unsubscribe from all steam workshop mods3. Uninstall and then Reinstall Skyrim from Steam4. Install Nexus Mod Manager5. Install the exact same mods I was using before, but with Nexus Mod Manager6. Restore My save games to my Skyrim DirectoryThen I should be OK right? Doing this won't corrupt my save files and I'll be able to continue my current playthrough? My biggest fear here is losing the ability to continue my current character with Random Start and SkyUI mods - I may only have a couple viewers but I don't want to let them down by letting technical problems end the playthrough early. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ripple Posted June 21, 2013 Share Posted June 21, 2013 If you unsubscribe from a mod you downloaded from the Workshop, it will remove that mod from your game installation, right? This will be a problem. You might have to start a new game so you don't need to deal with orphan junk left behind in your save game by uninstalled mods. I'd recommend a completely clean start, just to make sure everything is 'done right' from the 'getgo.' But if you really need to stick with your existing save games, then you can just start installing all mods using the NMM and not subscribe any more new mods from the SW (and hope they don't get removed and automatically uninstalled from your game), and just use NMM exclusively to handle mod un/installation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zndo Posted June 21, 2013 Author Share Posted June 21, 2013 (edited) Interesting. So if I understand correctly:Leaving my current steam workshop mods installed as is and installing NMM and using that for ADDITIONAL mods, I have the best chance at keeping my save integrity?I'll have to try that. So I think this will be my plan:1. Get my current playthrough to a point where I'm comfortable stopping - a point where if I do totally lose the save game I won't mind as much.2. Keep current steam workshop mods installed.3. Install NMM, use it to install Dragon Combat Overhaul, Civil War Overhaul, and any other mods I want from Nexus.4. Test the save to see I'm able to continue playing with the new mods installed.5. (conditional step) If it's not compatible with my old save, then uninstall EVERYTHING, reinstall Skyrim completely and start fresh with NMM only & do a fresh playthrough with all the mods I want. Edited June 21, 2013 by zndo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zndo Posted June 21, 2013 Author Share Posted June 21, 2013 (edited) Random question I thought of - with a lot of work, could I completely recreate a character with console commands?Like, my toon is a high elf with certain equipment, certain spells, certain perks, - could I start a new game and just use console commands to make the new character go to the exact same level with the same amount of perk points, give myself the same equipment, and mark the same quests I did before as completed?That way, I could install ALL the mods I want on a totally new playthrough, but still have the continuation of the same character's story? Edited June 21, 2013 by zndo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ripple Posted June 21, 2013 Share Posted June 21, 2013 (edited) Yes, perks and spells are easy to add via console. You just need to Google for a list of console codes and get what you need from that. It's the quest stages and variables stored in your save game that will be difficult to reproduce. The other thing you can do, if you have kept track of which mods you've downloaded from the Workshop, is to download the exact same mods from the Nexus, unsubscribe those mods from the Workshop, then install the version you downloaded from the Nexus. The idea is that you gradually disconnect you Skyrim mod installation from the Workshop so it's not automatically managing your mod un/installation and updates (and instead, you will use NMM for that, which will inform you when a mod updates, and let you decide when you want to update/uninstall rather than do these things automatically without your consent). This way, you don't have to worry about doing a full installation of the game or worry about your save games. The only issue here will be that some mods are 'Steam Workshop exclusive' and are not available on the Nexus (and vice versa), and you may not find Nexus versions. There is a way around this if you already have those mods installed in your game folder, but it's a bit complicated, so I rather not cover that terrain unless we have to. Edited June 21, 2013 by ripple Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zndo Posted June 21, 2013 Author Share Posted June 21, 2013 Okay! Thank you so much for all your help.I think I'll back up all my save files and just go for it. Maybe by carefully replicating the mods like you say and/or by using some tools on the nexus here like the save cleaner I'll be able to completely switch to NMM and update my current playthrough without a hitch. I'm Going to stay up late tonight and really dig into this stuff. Can't wait to get home so I can start tweaking with NMM. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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