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Tell me what to do with this game.


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I have an ati radeon hd 4650

8 total gigs of ram

amd phenom II x4 925 2.80 ghz processor



500 gigs of free space



the official dlc

the latest skyrim version

the unofficial patches

better dynamic snow



moonpath to elsweyr


uninstalled skyrim hd 2k from the nexus


the preformance optimization mod

& a bunch of misc mods rar files in my ultra unorganized DLs


I've had the pc version for 2 weeks & I've been screwing around with it but, mostly installing unnecessary nonsense which further broke the game causing me to restore it to vanilla twice. I'm no noob to modding or TES. I simply consider skyrim to be a mostly broken game with tons of potential & I want to make it work 200% better than the vanilla version that I put 600 hours into on the 360. Frankly, I'm overwhelmed, impatient, & the tedium of the fixing skyrim process with no objective indication of everything I require is ridiculously irritating. I want the most enjoyable experience possible & as great as the nexus/steamworkshop is, I cannot obtain that by myself with no help coming from people who know what they're doing, what with their making skyrim immaculate. Honestly, I don't need instructions for anything far beyond enhancing performance via, for example, the skyrimprefs.ini but rather, a list of stuff to add.

I want it looking great, having great fps, as many bugs & such removed as possible, more races, more items, more crafting, more quests, more animations, more immersion, more npcs, ect.

Everything, in other words. So, yeah. Help me out.

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Well, Top 100 is your guide.

After that > Categories > Select sub-category > Most endorsed

Anyhow, some worth to mention and my personal favorites: (Just search with the names)

Sounds of Skyrim, adds ambient sounds. Wilds and dungeons edition. Makes you pee your pants in dungeons, it's that creepy.

Climates of Tamriel, makes the atmosphere MUCH better and realistic.

Vurt's flora overhaul, adds tons of new foliage around. I prefer the version that is "normal" color (Non-summer) and which adds bonus trees and such.


Airborne perching birds, adds real flying birds into skyrim. (And they make cute sounds as well!) Must-have mod.


Wet & Cold, makes your character wet in rain and after swimming, adds cold breathing effect.


Footprints, adds footprints when walking in snow. (Ash version available as well)



That's all just enviromental "boosts", I'm not gonna start listing any sort of game overhauls here.

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