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Readable quest notes


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Most of the quest-connected notes in New Vegas only gives out a brief description of them and not very specific on how they're read, unlike in Fallout 3 where almost every amazingly written note and holotape you come across is readable and serves to make things a bit more lively and fleshed out.


The descriptions usually claim to detail additional stuff, but these details are never specific at all. Just look at Cachino's and Karl's journal, for example. These kind of notes serve only for to be delivered to someone else, not to be read by yourself and know a bit more. The only quest notes I know of that's readable are the bill of sale in One for My Baby and the ledger in The Coyotes, but that's to help pin down the exact culprit.


There are also 2 "audio" tapes, one is "The Screams of Brahmin" and the snuff tapes, which are actually text notes. Their description describe what is "heard" on the tapes, but not what they would sound like if they were actually audio tapes. If they were to be made into actual audio tapes, then I could only make do by reusing audio.


If someone could write a very good note for a mod then surely they would be eligible to make a mod to make the quest notes actually readable and it'd be greatly appreciated if that was actually done. Plus, they have to exactly fit the descriptions, too.

Edited by Panzermann11
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