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Better draugr shout syncing


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I double this request. It's something that annoys me as well. It's also a "Sort-of" cheat, as you hear the shout before it actually happens.




I know the cause, but fixing it would ruin a few thing

For example, what?

As you know, Draugr will sometimes grunt when get hit, taunt when attack. All of these take precedence over shouting, i.e: if Draugr is taunting or getting hit and it starts to shout, the sound for shouting will not occur until the sound of being hit and taunting finish, which causes the shout to be heard several seconds after the Draugr finished the shout. Fix it? Simple: disassociate the Draugr voice from all the grunt and taunt voice entries so that nothing will interrupt the shouting sound from being played. But... now you know why I said it would ruin a few thing.

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