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fantasy music overhaul 1.75


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I downloaded the mod called "Fantasy music overhaul" the other day and now I don't see it anymore.


my question is how do I make it work? I was posting in the section called "posts" but nobody answered me.


it seems most of the skyrim mods don't have adequate instructions for installing them.


I took the files and copied them into my data folder and the .esps appear in the load order when I launch.


the guy did say in the instructions to put it at the bottom of the load order.


when I do that, the game still plays the vanilla musics.


there is a second .esp called "no vanilla music"


when I activate that one, it turns off the vanilla musics but the suppposed "150+ tracks of music" in the fantasy overhaul .esp still won't play.


does this need skyrim script extender to work?

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