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Right Mouse Button Problem

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Hi there,


Especially in Fallout 3 (which I play again right now) my mouse problem is really disturbing. It's happening in some other games too, though not in non-games or programs or on the desktop.

In-game however, whenever I press the right mouse button (which I have to, as it is zoom in in Fallout 3) my view turn 90° to the right. Sometimes when I let go of the RBM and press it again, it will not turn my view. Then again when I move or something, it does.

This is freaking strange and I just updated my mouse drivers today. It's kinda unbelievable that somehow no person on earth seems to have this problem. Otherwise I'd like to be a pioneer, but not in this case.

Maybe someone has any experiences with anything like this? Help is much appreciated.

My system is here for reference, if needed.

My mouse is this one.

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I would guess that it's something with how you have the mouse installed since it's 7 button. If possible, try disabling all but r, l, and mouse wheel for those games since those games do not really support more than 3 buttons. Or try just removing the mouse drivers and seeing what happens when you use some generic mouse driver.
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