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Dialogue problem


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Alright, first off I don't know if this is a great place to put this topic but....


I am following this tutorial currently to try and learn how to use and add dialogue to Oblivion. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...alogue_Tutorial While I understand how most things work as I read, I am stuck on whether the person who wrote the guide means for me to use the random flags in this specific example (random, random end). Also, I've followed the guide thoroughly (up until the "Response Details" part) and I can't seem to have my dialogue show up ingame (except for the GREETING; I have managed that much). The only thing that I have done different from the tutorial is use another quest ID other than the example. But that shouldn't cause any problems. (I'm using OB91CrabKilling instead of MObFGCrabKilling) Any Help would be much appreciated.

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When working with dialogues, keep in mind that you're always directing the dialogue toward the desired speaker, rather than directing the speaker to the dialogue. Meaning that if any of the conditions used invalidate the desired speaker, or that exact time that you want those dialogues available, the desired speaker will not have anything to say. If your conditions are too generic, it may become available either on different NPCs, or at different times.


The random and random end flags are only useful if you have a topic which is being called repeatedly, with the same generic situation, but where some variation is needed. So generally, things like greetings, combat dialogue, rumors, and require that multiple possibilities exist for that topic. For most mod work, you'll never need to use this. Even when making new greetings, most of your greetings tend to be unique to an NPC or a part of the quest, so that variation isn't really useful.


Finally, be aware of priority. Priority on quests determines what responses are used. You can check the order that an NPC will use responses by looking at their filtered dialogue. Higher priority is chosen over lower priority within the same topic, but does not impact anything between topics.


If a dialogue isn't showing, check the conditions, and check that the player has the topic added to them. Topics need to be added through either the result script of a response, or through other scripting, the addtopic box doesn't work.

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You need to add the topic through the result script of the dialogue which occurs before that topic is to be used since the topic won't show until it's added to the player. Since the player doesn't have the topic, the topic won't show, so the result script for that topic, which adds the topic, technically doesn't do anything since the topic would need to be added before those topics become available for normal selection. Yea, said the same thing in 3 different ways.


Add the result script to the greeting.

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