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Skyrim crashes now, but hadn't before


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Hello! My problem is that Skyrim is currently crashing when I'm in the Jarl's castle in Whiterun. It crashes at different points (never at the same point). I've tried leaving the castle to go on the first quest to fight a dragon. However, at about the 3 minute mark, the game just disappears. It doesn't freeze, it just closes with no message or warning.


I thought it might be because Steam was doing an update, but it still crashed even when I took Steam offline, and when I turned off updating. I'm not running very many mods on my PC--about 6 only, and they're quite popular mods (no reported glitches).


I'm really getting frustrated with the constant crashing. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thank you!

Edited by HighlandKnight
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Uh hi... I only just signed up to nexus, and I'm probably not going to be much help. There's probably someone here who can though, heck probably a thread already for what the call crash to desktop (CTD). Anyway, looked all over the internet for answers, and they varied. Anything from background programs, to the OS just doing something it usually does but in turn makes skyrim ctd. One thing I did try which seemed to work for a while was running in admin. I'm not sure if it really did anything though. I think there might be some kind of log file that can be read to see when and/or why the game closed, but that's a little advanced for me right now, but I still plan on lookin into it. Good luck mate. And sorry if i wasn't much help. All I know for certain is that skyrim is a requires alot of resources from a pc in order to work flawlessly. That said, I'm pretty sure a mod review (IGN I think) was able to crash their game with a bunch of exploding chickens - IGN MAN!

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Uh hi... I only just signed up to nexus, and I'm probably not going to be much help. There's probably someone here who can though, heck probably a thread already for what the call crash to desktop (CTD). Anyway, looked all over the internet for answers, and they varied. Anything from background programs, to the OS just doing something it usually does but in turn makes skyrim ctd. One thing I did try which seemed to work for a while was running in admin. I'm not sure if it really did anything though. I think there might be some kind of log file that can be read to see when and/or why the game closed, but that's a little advanced for me right now, but I still plan on lookin into it. Good luck mate. And sorry if i wasn't much help. All I know for certain is that skyrim is a requires a lot of resources from a pc in order to work flawlessly. That said, I'm pretty sure a mod review (IGN I think) was able to crash their game with a bunch of exploding chickens - IGN MAN!

Thank you VERY much for your reply! I appreciate your comments. I'm going to keep trying something.

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What did you change between when it worked and when it started crashing? Any new mods? removed any mods? done something outside of the games to your system? such as a new program being installed?


There is no magic bullet that fixes CTDs and there are many possible reasons for them. Her is a link to my troubleshooting blog - maybe you can find something there that will help. http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4751769/1/#new

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