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Tail armor


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So I was thinking why are kajitt and argonians tails completely exposed, I was thinking that what ever the torso armor your wearing will cosmetically make it armored in what ever the torso is EX: say a argonian is wearing a steel plate armor torso, it would then put steel plate themed armor on the tail, this would not include all armor robes would be unaltered as well as all clothes, hide armor would be unaltered, anything that's not armor wouldn't have it but the actual armor would, please id be very grateful for this mod it also would apply to kajitts but they would both have different armor on there tails sort of like this mod does, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15927/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D15927%26preview%3D&pUp=1 it detects the race of the npc or player wearing the helm maybe make this mod detect argonian /kajjit depending on the armor



Thank you for reading I hope you consider

Edited by Joshuahoeth
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Of course it's possible. It shouldn't be even that hard if using pieces from the ingame armors and apply them on the tail. Just pratically talking is quite dumb... Why add so much weight to you armor just to protect your tail?

If done well will look awesome tough.

I remember about a mod like this made for Oblivion.

An advice: please, use commas. More people will answer if your post is well written and understandable.

Edited by Derok
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