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NIF skeletons look squished or distorted in game?


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Hello. I have come across an odd problem. I noticed that particuarly the beast races that the bodies look either squished or like they are starving to death (skin & bones). I tried editing some of the NPCs and even with their weight at 100 they look emaciated in game. The only edit that does work is the actor height.


I downloaded a beast (heavy) skeleton mod /nif and even that does not work. The problem is that i have restarted skyrim numerous times and i have never had this problem before. Same mods as before as well.


Mods include:


Elysium home, gzipton teleport, all three DLCs, Armors (Dragon knight, warchief, and knight of thorns), my home is your home (doesn't work), and a spell mod of my own.


I loaded one of my first save games near helgen and it is distorted there as well.


I'm upto patch 1.9.2 .





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I'l be moving this to the technical subforum. I'm getting random esp & esm files such as "default.esp" poping up in my mods list and blocking access. Which explains why none of the add on skeletons are working.


Thanks for your time.

Edited by lykanthrus
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