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Super Skyrim MOD PACK (Balanced-Realistic-Challenging) +200


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Hello Everyone reading this, :geek:


Iam on a qeust to mod skyrim into hell and heaven, If you are a noob with mods and need help because you dont want to mess things up in skyrim and reinstall etc. I can help you in easy english.


For example; ENB....Verry diffecult to understand for lots of people, including me, Iam new to PC mod gaming so Iam learning to while doing this.


I have managed to succefully installing ENB and FXAA after hours of testing, maybe Iam stopit, but for someone who is not known with modding and edditting codes its verry diffecult to make it work.


Installing ENB and FXAA are verrrrrrry easy IF YOU UNDERSTAND IT :biggrin:


But anyway, I want to make clear Iam modding skyrim in grapical way and gameplay, all will be BALANCED, no super weapons, no free gold, no super powers, no OP spells, to make it even more fun, FROSTFALL, WET AND COLD, DARK s*** DUNGOUNS (no torch=lost forever), SKYRIM HUNTING, EYE BLINDING SNOW STORMS, NO FAST TRAVEL, BEAUTIFULL WORLD, WEAR SUITEBLE CLOTHES FOR WEATHER, HUNGER, DIRTYNESS, TO MUCH +200 etc,etc,etc.


ALL BALANCED, only upgrading the orginal game and make every footstep you set a challange in skyrim.


Before I start posting my Guide for dummies like me, I need to know if there is someone who needs help with skyrim and want to upgrade to the mod Iam forging.


My experience; 100+/130 mods on steam skyrim workshop (just moved to the nexus here), Played Little Big Planet for years; creating levels, bug testing, gameplay testing, technology research to make lag free lvls (succeeded), Adding codes and changing codes in skyrim folder (just learned), fixing mulitple music tracks in skyrim mods by changing load order in "correct" way based on music mod, and more simple and some advanced stuff)


I was planning to do it on my own, but I can help people on the way when making it, just let me know in a reply you want help with it:)

(any qeustions or feedback are more than welcome)


-150 mods already forged, and ready to start the guide with


And to end this message, Skyrim Mods are 1 of the best things ive seen on pc gaming :D GREAT WORK PEOPLE


Anyway have fun modding and playing your game, Iam out for nowhttp://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m95ap1CokS1rvfi9ko1_500.gif

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