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Default gear


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I need a way to take off that default gear. I thought UNP did that? When my companions zone, the default gear is put back on. Perhaps UNP isn't installed correctly? Some1 with Windows7 manual mod install experience, plz tell me how to do it. Not use to Windows7 and maybe I did it wrong. And why want NMM install it correctly anyway? I got no options at all going thru NMM. That's when I went manually(no options there either) and got some results but it doesn't look like UNP Skinny and I had to use console command removeallitems (which worked for Aurora but not Lydia and Serana) and then I tried let'sgetnaked and that didn't work. Then tried showinventory and removeitem on Lydia but she was still wearing bra and panties. This wasn't the case last I played. But I don't know what/how I did it and that was with Windows XP.

Edited by SirTrijj
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