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The Elder Scrolls V - What Would You Want?


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I'm not saying they're making TESV,


I'm just starting this thread to see what you all would want or expect from TESV if Bethesda ever makes it.



I would definitely want and expect them to have Single player mode, Co-op Mode and Net-Play.



Single Player:



Of course, every game has this (Well at least I don't know of any other games who don't)


But with a new storyline, a new place to play. If they were to make a new TES game it should include 1 of these map combinations:


- Hammerfell, Skyrim and High Rock


- Black Marsh and Elsweyr


- Summerset Isle and Valenwood



Or then again make Hammerfell and Skyrim, then make High Rock as an expansion pack.


Or with he others as well...







In Co-op I'd like to "know" my friend, so therefore maybe starting in prison cells next to each other,


or waking up a morning and your friends is your neighbor.


Something that makes sense.



and of course they should be able to go away from each other as far as they'd like,


so you can complete different quests at the same time,


but then again doing them together is much more fun.



But still, if that was real life and you had a friend who did a quest,


you wouldn't be able to do the same one, like killing a person.


Yeah, but don't get me wrong, I'm not mentally ill,


I just want it to be good.






Yeah, something they "forgot" to add in Oblivion. Everything gets better over the internet... almost... Well, this my opinion.


So Net-Play should give you access to new quests and places to travel.


But here, imagining a bit like Diablo 2 if you ever played that.


When you enter a server or game, you have to adjust to the game creator's stats and progress.


If the game creator's level is 5 and you join and you're 30, you'll still mostly just see monsters that are for level 5 players.


And if he completed some quests you didn't before you entered, you can't complete them in that game.


If you enter a game and they do a quest but you're (Some distance) away from there, you don't get it completed.


And when you die, you spawn with full health and naked in the city closest to you, and your body will still possess the items you had.


If you die and you disconnect or log out, your body will be at your feet when you log inn again.


And nobody can pick up items from your dead body except the gold, unless they are dropped.





So that's mostly what I had to say about that at the moment, comment back and give your opinion about it.


We wanna hear what you think would be good to have in TESV if it ever gets made.

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its due for release in 2010.This should also be moved to Oblivion general,not the mods forum!




Aww dang.. I forgot I was in the mod forums, I'm always here. Sorry.. Would be fine if a moderator moved it.


But it's awesome that they're releasing it next year!


I'm SO gonna buy it.. NO DOUBTS!

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I would lol at you if they actually made that, rofl


but still, that would be nice, but if that was to happen they would have to make the new game like kind of a gigantic patch or something.


They would have to import Oblivion and everything, but then again they would have to replace all old textures and models with new ones they had created for TESV.


And making it all compatible with each other, with quest progress, map, and so on.


Sure, it's a long shot but it still is a cool thought.

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Bring back all the weapon types from morrowind!



Thrown Weapons




Also, Id like to see some animations that are....you know....good.

Bethesda needs to spend more time on animation in their game, be it character movement or weapon attack.

The animations in oblivion are bad and the animations in Fallout are a freaking terrible joke.


One can wish.


edit: And if they decide again that animations aren't important enough, at least make it feasible to include new animations without so many bugs and limitations that hinder doing custom animations for fallout and oblivion.

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AS mentioned, I'd like to see the weapon variety of morrowind, axe and spear style. Unarmored as well as light medium and heavy armor.


I would like field repairs with repair hammers only to work up to say 60% damage, and after that require a smithy with an anvil and forge to repair items.


I would like human stats to top out at 100, but have the benefits exten beyond that to several hundred for magically enhanced stats and races who are naturally stronger than humans like ogres, trolls, xivilai, dremora, frost atronachs, daedroths, etc, etc.


I would like to see styles become a function of armor, so steel armor could come in forms chainmail, scalemail, bandedmail, half plate and platemail, each with their own stats and each different material would follow similar lines. Sure I've got a lot of this from mods, but having it native would be nice.


More clothes. Definitely more clothes.


I'd also like a lamborghini, and for South Africa to win the soccer world cup. Sorry got carried away.

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AS mentioned, I'd like to see the weapon variety of morrowind, axe and spear style. Unarmored as well as light medium and heavy armor.


I would like field repairs with repair hammers only to work up to say 60% damage, and after that require a smithy with an anvil and forge to repair items.


I would like human stats to top out at 100, but have the benefits exten beyond that to several hundred for magically enhanced stats and races who are naturally stronger than humans like ogres, trolls, xivilai, dremora, frost atronachs, daedroths, etc, etc.


I would like to see styles become a function of armor, so steel armor could come in forms chainmail, scalemail, bandedmail, half plate and platemail, each with their own stats and each different material would follow similar lines. Sure I've got a lot of this from mods, but having it native would be nice.


More clothes. Definitely more clothes.


I'd also like a lamborghini, and for South Africa to win the soccer world cup. Sorry got carried away.



I never saw the point to the unarmored skill. I mean any of us are masters of it, I personally never wore a piece of it my entire life.

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More Quests. A lot more quests. They keep the game interesting and make for more variation between characters (one play through will be much differen't than the next)


A bigger world.


And as stated above a better combat system and all the old weapon types back.


Bring back Dwarven stuff.


And most of all make the game engin more stable! Less crashing PLZ!




Make the dialog system a bit less static.


And make the MQ VERY long. Beacuse its always nice to have goals ans something to strive for between side quests :)

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