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Double Eye Problem When Creating a character.


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It's odd, if I try to create a character (specifically FEMALE HUMAN CHARACTERS AND THEM ONLY). The double eye issue started just today, and I'm not sure why. It isn't there on the already created and saved female characters that I have, or the NPC's (Which is great, but it bothers me that when I try to create a HUMAN FEMALE CHARACTER [bRETON, NORD, REDGUARD, IMPERIAL], I get double eyes, no matter which eye variant I choose). It just happens when you start the game, and it even happens when you use showracemenu. In general, it only happens when you start making female human characters. It almost even looks like an upside down eyelid too. Other than that, does anyone have a solution to this cause it's really making me mad, and I don't want to have to re-install all my mods.



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I haven't seen this problem in Skyrim, however it was common in Oblivion. There it was caused by multiple mods trying to control how the eyes looked. And I suspect it is the same in Skyrim.

Not all eye mods will be obvious - some custom race mods and beauty type mods have their own eyes that can conflict.

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