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migrating from steam workshop [noob question]


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Hello fellow Nords! (and ofcourse all other races)


Im pretty new to the whole skyrim modding thing, and was using the steam workshop for quite a while. Since i read more and more projects there beeing limitated due to steams file size regulations i decided to give the nexus experience a try.


My questions i have now is, how would i do the migration? Can i just unsubscribe all the mods from the workshop and then redownload them from nexus without messing up my save game?

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Hey pimptee, welcome to Nexus!


As long as they are the same version of the Mod, I don't see a problem just un-subscribing from Steam and re-downloading with NMM.


Really though most (myself included) use both. Just keep your steam mods and use Nexus to install large or Nexus only Mods.


Anyway have fun. There's loads of cool stuff here you can't get on Steam :)

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