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A bug that makes it impossible for me to talk to most NPC's. (PC)


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Some background information: * I have about 60 mods running, through workshop and NMM * All of these mods are compatible with each other (I used BOSS), although some contain dirty edits * I haven't been screwing around with console commands * Am not using Shenks Thievery Overhaul mod/Sneak tool (I know about the hood thing - this is not the issue)


So the bug, which occurs randomly through the game, usually as I approach level 5-10, is pretty much the inability to talk to some (half?) of the NPC's. Companions and quest givers are the only ones that seem to talk to me. For example, I entered Whiterun, talked to the women smith and bought some stuff. I then went to her husband and tried to talk to him, but I didn't enter a conversation, he just looked at me and said "Yeah?". This was the same for NPC's like Jon Battle-Born, the innkeeper, the market stall owners, the horse seller, and Ysolda. I only scanned through Whiterun, so I'm sure a lot more don't work.


To try and fix this, I uninstalled ALL my mods, made a clean save, loaded it, and tried again. Same problem.


The mods I have are: (in no order) 101Bugs A Quality World Map ABT Arrows and Bolts Cloaks of Skyrim Enhanced enemy AI Forgotten Windmill Harvesting Overhaul Helgen Reborn Immersive Beds Immersive HUD Immersive weapons Inconsequential NPCs JaySus Swords Lock Overhaul Move it Damnit New combat sounds Nordic Ranger Outfit Realistic needs and diseases Realistic lighting overhaul Lore friendly hair Ultimate follower overhaul Hearth-fire DLC War zones XCE Character enhancement Frostfall More rain Better dynamic snow Static mesh improvement mod All killable npcs Arrowsmith Adura merchant mod Birds Wearable lantern Fishing in skyrim Here there be monsters Higher level enemies New guards Skyui Bandolier Hunting in skyrim Run for your lives Crimson tide Dovahkiin relax Reduced npc greetings


After looking through these mods, none of these stand out to me in the NPC interaction department. So I'm absolutely clueless as to whats causing this.


Common things I do in Skyrim (that may trigger something?)

*Use the showracemenu command to change my appearance

*Get multiple companions

*Wear modded armour (mostly nordic ranger)

*Wear bandolier items


Does anyone have any ideas on a fix or what is causing this?


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