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coordinates/Areas to start moding in please


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Hi all, i have been looking into the creation kit this last month.

I have done small mods for myself for instance I’ve created a new race, added npcs and followers also i have

Done small quests. Now I want to look at creating my own towns and villages but not to shore where to start.

I know how to navigate through the cell windows ect so what I’m wanting to know is if anyone could let me know the coordinates to some good open areas to start moding a new town for instance, 3-11 (i think) was the coordinates that was advised was a good place to put a dungeon entrance (near river wood) (one area inperticular I’m wanting, is a up high mountain area to mod a village imbedded into the mountain side.)

I have tried to look myself but it gets a bit of a headache since I’m not quiet used to it yet. Half the time I’m not sure if the area is used for major in game points or not.


Thank you in advance.





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