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My Overclocking Result: Bad or God?


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In MSI Afterburner (you have the Beta version?) have you done this;


Settings ->

"Compatibilities properties" (on first tab)


Checked "Unlock Voltage Control"



Your power usage seems to peak quite high (124), while it really shouldn't... unless you have an unfortunate chip... (happens). Or you have not unlocked voltage.


If you haven't unlocked voltage controls, do it and put the voltage slider all the way up (+100)... make sure you use the BETA version of MSI Afterburner if you use ENB. (MSI Afterbruner site -> Downloads -> on the left click on the latest BETA)...


Please follow that guide I linked... (are you doing that?)


3-4 FPS means not too much - it depends on what base to is... 3-4 FPS on 80 FPS is nothing, while 3-4 FPS on 20 FPS is a lot... you have to compare :)

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