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Floating Text Distance


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Hi all.

I spent an hour or so searching every iteration of my question that I could fathom, but found nothing relevant.

When you place your crosshair over an object, and are close to it, the name hovers on your screen. My issue is that distance is being ignored. Any targetable object, at any distance, that I put my crosshair over generates the hovering text. This is not a gamebreaking issue, but it does create a lot of visual clutter that I would like to avoid.

I imagine it's from a mod. I did find one single thread of a similar issue (which sadly I can't refind), with no responses, about this problem arising after installing Skyrim Redone and persisting on any SkyRe saves even after it's uninstalled. I was hoping there was an .ini tweak or somesuch I could use to resolve this issue, perhaps a line to set the hover text distance or somesuch.

Thanks for reading.

Edit -- I included a screenshot, showing the name of an item displayed from about 20 yards away.

Edit 2 -- SOLVED! When using long range target spells, item names become visible at great distance. Switching to short range spells 'fixes' this 'problem'. I don't know if this is vanilla behavior or the result of a mod, but there is the 'solution' for anyone who happens to see this and has the same issue.

Edited by depravitus
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