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Bethesda weapon screw-ups


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I'm sure plenty of you have noticed the MANY naming and physics errors surrounding the vanilla versions of FO3's weapons. What did you find the most ridiculous?


Here are two of mine: (funny that they both have to do with the nuclear arsenal)


1) Ever try taking out a whole group of ANYTHING with the Fatman? Or the MIRV? I've lobbed 2-3 nukes into a group of raiders from not very far away only to have 3 or 4 of them walk away unharmed, or even start firing back at me. WTF?! The shockwave itself from a blast even that small would be enough to take down a house, yet they walk unscathed...


2) Speaking of the MIRV, does anyone even know what MIRV stands for? Multiple Independently-targetable Reentry Vehicle. It's a MISSILE system that acts as a vehicular transport for multiples of smaller nuclear warheads. The reentry part is because the MIRV itself is an ICBM that leaves the atmosphere and fires off its payload, which then "reenter" the atmosphere and head toward their designated targets. What, did Bethesda just google the words "multiple" and "nuke" and pick the first name that came up without even reading into it? :wallbash:


I know I sound like a geek, but come on. A major software company should at least try NOT to look like they're staffed by a high school special ed class. I know game design and development is a lengthy and strenuous process, but something as simple as names for the weapons shouldn't be THAT fouled up.


Your thoughts? Your own findings/lists?

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...and and and, the fact that there's recoil on LASER weapons just blows my mind. When have you ever turned on a flashlight and had the thing kicked out of your hand (even those 3 million+ candle power beamlights)? Directed laser light propels itself, and keeps going until either absorbed or reflected by a surface or disruption.


Yes, pulse beams and plasma would theoretically have recoil in real life, as the pulse used is most likely a high-powered directive EMP or soundwave. And plasma has physical properties as well that would require some sort of propulsion. But a laser is a beam of light, and makes no NOISE either when beamed (light doesn't make noise on any frequency we can hear).


More geek ranting :P

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Actually in live laser tests of the very powerful laser systems in development for military use (the one that shoots down missiles comes to mind) there is an audible sound caused by the excitement (vibration) of the atoms as the light energy moves through the air, much the same way lightning makes thunder, though much quieter and sustained. Just my two cents.
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I am with NKW - complaining that tactical nuclear weapons operate "unrealistically" or that the modern military term MIRV is used in a game for something besides an ICBM is absurd, given that super-mutants, ghouls, alien spacecraft, and other elements that suggest pretty strongly that this game is not intended to be "realistic."


The low AP cost for laser weapons imply that they don't have much recoil, even if the animations show some.

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Perhaps the recoil is simply the character's in-learned tensing at the expectation of there being a recoil... You get used to having a hunting rifle or assault rifle buck in your hands, so you just go through the same in-grained motions, even though there is no need. (Like a sniper automatically exhaling a moment before a shot... it's just done.)
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How bout the fact there are not too many american miilitary weapons lootibale in DC hummmmm? the stunnling low ammount od different weapons makes me sad thats why I got the PC version.
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