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capes (i know there are already capes, but this is different)


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This skeleton resource has additional bones for cloaks and capes. All it would require is some clever rigging and animation to make them move when you walk/run.
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MORPHING, no animations required. :yes: The morphs activate when the bones that the object in question has been rigged to, move. That can be better than animations and in the case of Oblivion, it is better as there will be no issues with 'looping' animations or the animations not looking 'right' while moving or simply started at the wrong moment and/or possible clipping issues.


So down to the basics;

It's possible to animate the capes etc. but it isn't viable when simply rigging the capes and adding morphs is easier AND looks better.


On a side note; If your main point is havocking, it's possible, but I think you've seen what happens with havocked items that are close to the character in Oblivion.(Items flying across the room, would be over 10 times worse with objects that are bound to the player...) This is also something the game engine is HEAVILY limiting.

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