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Just got back ,I deleted the clone after trying everything to get her to respond. Then tried the recycle command ,then the player moveto, that brought me back where she was frozen. Only now there is a pond there !!!

I have named it Serana Pond.


I have a screenshot but don't know how to get it up here.


LOL... seriously...


You should pray your game will still work 50 hours from now... Generally people playing around with console (even simple commands like coc and the likes) end over their head in problems with the game. Do not be surprised if at one point soon things will break and you have to start over... At least you can start the game again from a save that didnt see Dawnguard yet - given you didn't abuse the console before that.


Those pages about console commands should start with a disclaimer: DO NOT MESS WITH CONSOLE UNLESS YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING


There is actual error handling build in the game (believe it or not) solving a lot of things given time... if you force those things with console you might end up breaking background processes you are not aware off which give you unexpected results;



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I went to Serana pond today and had a thought about trying to stock it, I went to the nearby river and caught a few spade tails . Then a quick run back to the pond to do a catch and release. Well that didn't turn out to well, apparently the spade tails are very fragile and didn't survive . They floated to the top , drifted to the side and got tossed out on the ground.


I have 2 Questions 1. Do you still have vampire bodies laying around the Castle Volkihar ? I do and it's been a long time since I finished the quest.

2. How do I Load screen shots here ?

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