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Is there a way to completely remove the pitch black nights of Fellout

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You could try loading darker nights - default after Fellout. They make the nights darker than the vanilla game, but not pitch black. Other wise, AFAIK you'd have to make your own mod that removes the portions of Fellout that affect the night sky - my guess is that would be the image space modifiers that affect the weather objects.

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hello987654321 - Hello!

It's a common for people to want brighter nights with Fellout, there's been several mods to restore the nights while retaining the rest of Fellout's features:

Brighter nights restored edition - for Fellout- by Hattix


Fellout Brighter Nights by CT


Fellout Nights Restored by MrPing1000


"and I don't want any damn night-vision goggles."

For a slightly different solution there's also the terrifically atmospheric Fallout Street Lights that adds light to the many lamps & lighting fixtures which switch on in the evening, it's actually more enjoyable with slightly darker nights:


Hope this helps!


Edited by prensa
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