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Dragonborn DLC CTD HELP!


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Recently i downloaded the dragonborn DLC and when in the middle of the first quest where i have to head to the temple of miraak the game just has a CTD without warning and i can't discover a new location outside the village (the one where you enter solstheim to begin with) but wait it gets better when i try to head back in skyrim the game freezes during the loading screen! i've tried disabling every mod i had implemented in the game but it still wouldn't work. I'm out of options this one bug bethsteda refuses to fix after months since bethsteda released the DLC, has made my game literally unplayable and now im loosing 57 hours of gameplay. Please anyone who has a solution HELP!

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  On 6/25/2013 at 6:47 AM, xiamthewalrusx said:

First, do you have the current version of all the Unofficial Patches?

Second, do you use BOSS to sort your load order?

Third, do you have Papyrus logging enabled?

First, yes i have all of them

Second, no i don't know how to.

Third, i don't know what would that do?

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Visit the BOSS page on the nexus here, download it, and then install. BOSS will automatically sort your load order to prevent conflicts. A video tutorial can be found here

To enable Papyrus logging, go to My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/skyrim.ini (the file may be in the /scripts folder) Open the file with notepad and enter the following:





This will enable logging and will produce a log in a sub-folder. Run your game until it crashes, then post your Papyrus0.log file here. You should turn logging off after the problem is resolved, because it will increase the instability of Skyrim. It would also be a good idea to post your load order that BOSS provides.

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Save regularly and re-load to contiue play. DBorn is riddled with conflicts from just about everything including Skyrim.


I have played 99% of the DLC, but have been locked out from finishing by loss of access to the [TAB] Magic menu, and CTD's. Another almost consitent CTD source is trying to acces Dragonborn Armor from dead bodies.


Command line is the only (usually) reliable workaround, but even this can give CTD in the game. Still working on eliminating conflcts, or patching around them. Had to abandon some Alpha patches because of loss of critical path progresson in the DLC - great care is necessary! I am still a learner with Python,but lucky enough to have ready access to very skilled users among our Modding group.


xiamthewalrusx thanks I will try the papyrus lines.





PS this is also a good thread to read


Edited by DragonAviator
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