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How can i figure out when a specific piece of dialogue is triggered?

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There's a lot of dialogue across various voice types for bleeding out, though i can't figure out how they get triggered in game(i tried playing specific idles and using the bleed out syringes)

if it helps, the specific thing in Fallout4.esm is DIAL 00021B1D

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I thought about maybe trying to have the dialogue trigger when both legs are crippled, though I have no clue how I would script such a thing


I haven't been able to find an ACTIVE community that would maybe be able to assist with such a thing in the way I'd need assisted (help with the specific case, rather than general knowledge, it's just how I learn)


I can't imagine it would be too hard, but I've never done anything much with the creation engine before.

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Two ways of triggering dialog; find a base game condition that you can configure in a dialog topic info (This list of for Skyrim, so some conditions may not be available to story manger in FO4 https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Condition_Functions) or create a script that is registered for events that can set a flag which triggers your dialog topic info.


Since your now talking about the Actor.OnCripple event https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=OnCripple_-_Actor its not in the condition system so you would need to attach scripts to actors to set an actorvalue to trigger the info.


If they are not your created actors then finding arbitrary actors and attaching script to them is probably the most difficult bit. Then a script which sets a condition flag like an ActorValue is straightforward. Thing is, designing such an implementaiton needs an understading of the objects/methids/events available and I am not aware of any tutorials with that level of content flexability.

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I thought about maybe trying to have the dialogue trigger when both legs are crippled, though I have no clue how I would script such a thing

I haven't been able to find an ACTIVE community that would maybe be able to assist with such a thing in the way I'd need assisted (help with the specific case, rather than general knowledge, it's just how I learn)

I can't imagine it would be too hard, but I've never done anything much with the creation engine before.


1. Create a Quest.
2. Add a Reference Alias. Name it: myRefAlias. Fill this reference alias with your actor.
3. Attach a script like this to the Alias.
Scriptname YOURSCRIPTNAME extends ReferenceAlias Const

ActorValue Property LeftMobilityCondition Auto Const
ActorValue Property RightMobilityCondition Auto Const
Keyword Property myBleedOutKeyword Auto Const

Event OnCripple(ActorValue akActorValue, bool abCrippled)

	If abCrippled

		If akActorValue == LeftMobilityCondition && akActorValue == RightMobilityCondition

			(Self.GetReference() as Actor).SayCustom(myBleedOutKeyword)




4. Close the Quest and create a new Keyword (with type: Dialogue Subtype). Give it a name: myBleedOutKeyword.

5. Now, create a BleedOut topic. To do this:
5.1.: Open your Quest, then open the "Player Dialogue" tab.


5.2.: Add a new Branch.
5.3.: Choose your keyword (myBleedOutKeyword) for the Branch. Then, create your dialogue line. Add a new condition to it: GetIsAliasRef: myRefAlias == 1.
By the way, dialogue subtype events are sent by the game engine. (So BleedOut lines too since they are in Combat > BleedOut Subtype).
Edited by LarannKiar
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