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Need help with npc Editor


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I made a mod using npc editor of Ondolemar. Ok had no problem changing him or making or adding the Ondolemar.esp and Ondolemar.bsa, that I know of , added them both to the data folder then clicked the esp and went in game... cant find him anywhere.. made him added to same faction he was before I killed him 60 saves ago... could the reason I cant find him in Markarth be that he is dead there...?? would it be better to add him to a different faction?


Any ideas I be very thankful for!!

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First off, NPC editor is outdated

Second, if you killed him in your game no mod will bring him back by editing his NPC record. Dead = Dead. If you can manage to find his ID number you can console him back to life. No idea what side effects that may have.

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I had similar Problems within a quest, just messed around with new spells and the NPC died. I stucked in the quest, I used the Console and brought him back to life. He continued from that Point he died ^^

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