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Equippable body mesh with custom textures


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I am trying to create an equippable body with a new texture on it (trying to create usable body paint that way) where the equipped body would keep the ability to change the tint of the skin based on race. So I made the default body mesh into a new "armor" and tried to link it to a different texture that I want it to use.




But when I equip this body in the game with the new texture, that texture doesn't show up! It defaults to the standard texture.I think this might have something to do with the shader flags in nifskope, because it has things selected like "Remappable_Textures" and "FaceGen_RGB_Tint".




Does anyone know how I can change the texture of my custom "armor" without destroying its ability to change the skin tint?

Or maybe looking at it from another side: how to make an armor where you can change the tint through the character creation menu?

Edited by Jedo_Dre
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Bumping this, I'm also struggling with the same problem. I have custom feet with unique textures that need to be tinted with the rest of the body, but using the Skin Tint shader type or the FaceGen RGB Tint flag forces the body texture on the model.

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