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Need some Scripts


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Script 1

make it so you can give any item to any npc that is nutral or good with and if the item is better then theres they will replace there item

(example, to give a guard that has the script armor with a better armor class there then current armor and they will use it only if its better there there defalt armor)



Script 2


allow the player to ask any npc with script attached to join the set guild of the script.


script needs to be flexable for changes also for if i chose to once they join guild start

being a guard or merchant at a set location for the player


( the player askes npc to join as a heavy armor for his guild, the player changes all his normal

ai to be at a new location set for him as the new shop npc)


Mr. Evans

Screamin' Skulls Team (SST) - The Founder

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